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Dulverton Junior School


Reading - Intent, Implementation and Impact

For Reading, pupils have access to a variety of different scheme books and different authors to support children with their reading skills. This is because children learn to read in different ways.


Many of our reading schemes are based on phonetic decoding although they often focus on key words which can only be read by sight recognition.  


In September 2015 we became an Accelerated Reader School. This is an online tool for managing and monitoring independent reading practice whilst promoting reading for pleasure. Parents are able to use their Home Connect account to monitor quiz scores and ensure books bought for home are at the appropriate reading level for their child. 

At Dulverton Junior School we believe in developing a love of reading and understand the importance of developing reading skills from an early age. Children are listened to by a variety of adults, including their class teacher, classroom assistant and volunteer readers.


Children are able to change their own reading books once a book is completed, although are encouraged to read a range of genres to enable them to think about the structure and features of a text type. They also have access to the school library on a daily basis and can use these sessions to borrow books to share at home.
