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Dulverton Junior School

Learning Tools

In Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4), children are given a small amount of regular homework to do each week. This normally comprises a list of spellings to learn, mathematics and reading.


In Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6) children are given homework regularly each week. This is designed to complement and support work done in school during the working day, and helps prepare them for their continued education beyond the primary phase. In addition, children are encouraged to read either to their parents or (in the case of the more able readers) to themselves for at least 20 minutes per night.


Mutual co-operation between home and school – involving your child, you and their class teacher – is fundamental to the school’s homework policy. Each child has their own Home School Contact Book, into which details of the work set are recorded. Parents are also able to communicate with their child’s teacher through this book.


Useful links

We have checked the websites below beforehand; however, we strongly recommend that you supervise your child in order to monitor the suitability of the website whilst he or she is using it.
